Schreiber Martin wrote:>
> Hello,
> I have a question about starting samba via inet or daemons. Is it a
> religious case or is it better or saver or whatever to start it with smbd
> and nmbd -D.
> I prefer starting via inet , but.....,
> Please tell me Your ultimate advices.
It's very simple.
If you are running Samba contitinually with many users, you're almost
guaranteed to do better with smbd -D
The only time running from inetd would be preferred is if you rarely use
Samba on this server and you want to free up RAM for other applications
(ex: a busy Intranet server that uses a Samba connection about once a
week to update the web pages.
However, with the way SMB connections work, I doubt you'd seem much
performance degradation running from inetd.