Luís Cansado Carvalho (Domótica SGTA)
2001-Mar-07 15:03 UTC
Make shares browseable only to valid users, and other issues
I there! I have a network with a RH7 / samba 2.0.7 server with about 10 Win 95/98/Me clients. Is it possible, without having one smb.conf file for each user, to make a share only browseable to their valid users? Can I define that some shares require an additional password for access? I have a problem when defining valid users to a share, based on UNIX alternate group members. For instance: If foo is member from foo_group and its alternate group is foo_alternate, why doesn't he have access to a share whoose valid users are @foo_alternate, while he does have access to another share whose valid users are @foo_group ? I'm solving this question setting valid users for the 1st share @foo_alternate foo , but I think that maybe there's a better solution. Best Regards Lu?s Cansado Carvalho Dom?tica SGTA Portugal