Hi again to you all, Late yesterday I got half my LAN working as I could access my Amiga drives from my PeeCee. I could not go the other way at that point. Today I was trying to do it and found some interesting things happening to me, and at one point the connection I did have didn't work anymore. To explain: I would turn on the machines and connect them. I would see the AMIGA in the NN window of the PeeCee. I would double click it and yesterday I got it working. Today when I did it, I was back to the password problem. Now, for some very odd reason, yesterday when I set up the password for remote access I used the smbpasswd program like this: smbpasswd -a pcguest As was stated in the HTML document. How confused then was I when today it wouldn't accept the -a Anyway, cutting that out, after a few attempts (and restoring the original file *) it started to work again. (* the original file: The smbpasswd file that was generated yesterday.) So, ok: That side is working again. Ofcourse I didn't realise at the time, but where on the PeeCee is the username "pcguest" told that is the username to be sent? I am *NOT* logged on/in to the PeeCee as "pcguest" so that has me kind of stumped now. Now, today's project was to get the Amiga to see the PeeCee's drives. The way I want it to be. This is the mount list: *Handler = L:SMB-Handler* *Stacksize = 40000* *Priority = 5* *GlobVec = -1* *Mount = 1* *Startup = "C=\\586\PC MH=AMIGA W=MARY U=pcguest P=''"* ** I get an error saying: *Host 586 can not be contacted.* (after a good while) Not to be put off by that, I thought about it and tried editing the last line to: *Startup = "C=\\PC1\PC MH=AMIGA W=MARY U=pcguest P=''"* (PC1 is an alias to the machine) When I try that file: Socket access from PC1 denied! Hostname invalid (PC1 E:$82) (straight away) So does that mean that the "network" doesn't like that, or ......? I am reading my way through the manuals, but I find it very difficult to understand as it is not explained in a way I have any experiance. :-/ So, to go over my problems: 1) Where does the PeeCee get the name "pcguest" to send to my Amiga when I double click on the NN entry? - as I am NOT logged in as that user. 2) How is the system told that "586" is a remote machine? Which file does this? 3) What would be causing the error that I could access the Amiga drives yesterday and not today? Only after mucking about and not really doing anything did it start to work again. 4) With slight reference back to #1 So does it matter who the user is of that machine (who logs in at the beginning) to wheather or not they will get access to the Amiga? Sorry. I don't know if they are or not curley questions. I am still way down the bottom of the learning curve. :-) Anyone help me? P.S. On that Amiga accessing the PeeCee drives problem. To test another theory, I made the last line look like this: *Startup = "C=\\AMIGA\PC MH=AMIGA W=MARY U=pcguest P=''"* Thinking that I would get a new drive mounted. I was asked for a password similar to what happened when I tried to access the Amiga from the PeeCee. I could cancel the requestor and go to the PeeCee and connect Ok. But then if I tried to do it all on the Amiga, it would ask for a password. YET the user was pcguest in both cases. Or so I believe. <:-/ Cya! -- No sane man will dance. Andrew Bruno abruno@zeta.org.au