Ries -
Thanks for this suggestion. As you say, it may be a "quick and dirty"
but it seems to work on my system! Most of my clients get P numbers from
the DHCP server, so I just included the whole range of possible numbers
they might receive in the hosts file, and now everyone seems to connect
just fine.
Many thanks for your help, and have a good holiday.
Steve McClary
At 12:26 PM 12/20/2000 +0100, Ries van Twisk wrote:>Hi,
>I alway's wonderd wy I didn't had these errors until I removed all
>workstations from my /etc/hosts file.
>I remebered that when I started with samba (about 2 years ago) I
>had logon errors. At that time I quickly solved it by adding IP
>addresses from workstations into my hosts file like this.
>Just the IP address, not a host name. (Also at that time I just started
>with Linux)
>Maby this is a quick and dirty fix for those who are not beable to set
>up a reverse DNS.
>If this 'solution' is already been addresses I'm sorry for the
>Ries van Twisk