I have two ethernet networks at different places, connected together over a ISDN phone line. The line is configured in a way that it is opened if there are IP packets to be sent, and it is closed if there is no traffic for some time. I have a Samba server in one of the networks, and a Windows PC in the other one. The PC is used to connect to the Samba server. All this works fine. Now my problem: If the PC is up, UDP packets are sent from the PC to the server on port 137 every ten minutes (exactly), even if there are no actual connections between the PC and the server. This is a problem to me, because these packets cause the phone line to be opened and closed every ten minutes, too. What can I do? I assume, these UDP packets are some "keep alive" packets to show the WINS server, that the PC is still working. Is there any proxy, I can put between the WINS server and the PC to reduce traffic? Or are there any other possibilties to give the PC access to the Samba server besides using the WINS server capabilities of Samba? Thank you for help. Jochen