I'm new to Samba and networking, and am running RH 6.1, Samba Version 2.0.7 on my home PC and using it as a LAN gateway for 2 Win95 boxes. Samba is printing error messages directly to the screen. It tends to favor the Pine program, overwriting whatever is on the console even if I'm reading from a different virtual console (see next 2 paragraphs for example): <edit> If you have a fax machine (or can sign up for eFAX {www.efax.com}) I can send you a couple of examples that I did to help clear it up in my simple mind. If you don't have a fax, then sign up for efax. It's free for the basic service and will forward to your email addr. Mike smb_get_length: recv error = 5essing folder. Session now Read-Only.] smb_request: result -5, setting invalid - PrevPage D Delete R Reply smb_retry: new pid=14236, generation=4 Spc NextPage U Undelete F Forward <end example> Is there some way to stop this? I'd prefer that error message be sent only to the Samba log. I don't want to read them from my mail program. Glen