I seem to have a problem in the co-existence of OS/2 Warp Server for
e-business and Samba on my Linux box (RedHat 6.2).
Since I have a dedicated the linux box for fileserving (because of
reiserfs), the OS/2 Server only serves as PDC and communcations handler.
Now to the problem: When an application tries to copy or move a file
from one Shared Drive to another (under OS/2 Warp 4.5) it doesn't work.
Once I tried it in the command line, I got the following error message:
"SYS0066: The network resource type is incorrect"
If you want to copy or move a file between shares, you need to copy it
to a local disk first and then you can move on...
Anyone ever encountered this one?
May the Force be with you,
Julian Halkon
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