Dear sirs, Could you please tell me if your last Samba version runs on Solaris 8?? I apreciate your answer. -- Best regards, Flemming S?rsdal ______ System Support Eng. /_____/\ Enterprise Services /____ \\ \ /_____\ \\ / Sun Microsystems AS /_____/ \/ / / Gjerdrums vei 12 /_____/ / \//\ N-0486 Oslo, NORWAY \_____\//\ / / phone: + 47 22 02 39 00 \_____/ / /\ / Mobile: + 47 92 05 09 54 \_____/ \\ \ Fax: + 47 22 02 39 99 \_____\ \\ EMail: Flemming.Sorsdal@Norway.Sun.Com \_____\/ Web: "To ask for permission is to ask for denial!" S.M.
> Could you please tell me if your last Samba version runs on Solaris 8??We're running Samba-2.0.7 on Solaris-8 without problems since Easter. --- Michael Neef, System-/Netzwerk-Administrator Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Institut fuer Neuroinformatik D-44780 Bochum, Germany EMail:
Hello; I'm John J. Knight Solaris admin working for CSC in NJ. I have loaded and configured Samba 2.2.2 on a Solaris 8 system. I have configured a printer and file system for general use from windows systems 2000 and XP Pro. They both work great. What I would like to do is have the Sun computer talk with a windows printer on another windows domain. I can get to the network printer but want windows boxes not in the domain to be able to access the printer. Can this be done? Do you have any information on the configurations or a url that might have some information on this? Thanks for the great software and the help. Jack Knight -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
I think, if you have cups installed on solaris (might conflict with the lpr software), you can have the cups software attach to the windows printer remotely. From there, you can probably export the printer to samba as one of its resources. -----Original Message----- From: John J. Knight [] Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 10:24 AM To: Subject: Solaris 8 Hello; I'm John J. Knight Solaris admin working for CSC in NJ. I have loaded and configured Samba 2.2.2 on a Solaris 8 system. I have configured a printer and file system for general use from windows systems 2000 and XP Pro. They both work great. What I would like to do is have the Sun computer talk with a windows printer on another windows domain. I can get to the network printer but want windows boxes not in the domain to be able to access the printer. Can this be done? Do you have any information on the configurations or a url that might have some information on this? Thanks for the great software and the help. Jack Knight -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
[You sent html to an ascii list] Sure, see --dave -- David Collier-Brown, | Always do right. This will gratify Performance & Engineering | some people and astonish the rest. Americas Customer Engineering, | -- Mark Twain (905) 415-2849 |