Greetings I've installed Samba and I've a printing problem which you can see from the log file. The error I get from the /var/log/log.smb is : Unable to open printcap file lpstat for read! In the /etc/smb.conf file I have: debug level = 3 load printers = yes printcap name = /etc/printcap printcap name = lpstat printing = bsd Any help appreciated
You have two printcap name= lines. Delete one. If this is a Linux box, delete the one saying lpstat. If you have a SYSV printing system, delete the printcap name=/etc/printcap line and change your printing= to SYSV. Steve Litt At 08:46 AM 12/16/1999 +1100, Hillel Bilman wrote:>Greetings > >I've installed Samba and I've a printing problem which you >can see from the log file. > >The error I get from the /var/log/log.smb is : > Unable to open printcap file lpstat for read! > >In the /etc/smb.conf file I have: >debug level = 3 > load printers = yes > printcap name = /etc/printcap > printcap name = lpstat > printing = bsd > >Any help appreciated >
Hi, My name is Takewa. I am having some problem with my Samba printer. I have already get the command "lpr -r -Php_6mp <filename>" to work and I can see the print jobs are queueing up in /var/spool/samba directory. I can even print out any job found in this directory manually (by "lpr -r -Php_6mp <filename>") and the printing works without fail. However, the configuration just refused to work directly from my Windows 98 client. I was trying to print to the Samba print server (I can see my printer name, hp_6mp from the network neighbourhood) and nothing comes out. I found that the job had already resided onto the print server but the Samba had failed to communicate with the lpd. Does anyone know what I have done wrongly? Any response from you is highly appreciated. I am using Redhat 6.2 and Samba 2.0.7. -> this is my /etc/smb.conf file [global] workgroup = xxxxxxxx server string = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx printcap name = /etc/printcap load printers = yes printing = bsd [printers] comment = All printers path = /var/spool/samba browseable = no public = yes guest ok = yes writable = no printable = yes ;my print command is correct, as "lpr -r -Php_6mp %s" -> this is my /etc/printcap file lp_6mp|raw|lp|lp1:\ :lp=/dev/lp0:\ :sd=/var/spool/samba:\ :mx#0:\ :rw:sh:\ :fx=flp:\ :rp=raw1:\ :rm= I will provide any information you need to analyse my problem. Your response is appreciated. -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
Hi, My name is Takewa. I am having some problem with my Samba printer. I have already get the command "lpr -r -Php_6mp <filename>" to work and I can see the print jobs are queueing up in /var/spool/samba directory. I can even print out any job found in this directory manually (by "lpr -r -Php_6mp <filename>") and the printing works without fail. However, the configuration just refused to work directly from my Windows 98 client. I was trying to print to the Samba print server (I can see my printer name, hp_6mp from the network neighbourhood) and nothing comes out. I found that the job had already resided onto the print server but the Samba had failed to communicate with the lpd. Does anyone know what I have done wrongly? Any response from you is highly appreciated. I am using Redhat 6.2 and Samba 2.0.7. -> this is my /etc/smb.conf file [global] workgroup =3D xxxxxxxx server string =3D xxxxxxxxxxxxxx printcap name =3D /etc/printcap load printers =3D yes printing =3D bsd [printers] comment =3D All printers path =3D /var/spool/samba browseable =3D no public =3D yes guest ok =3D yes writable =3D no printable =3D yes ;my print command is correct, as "lpr -r -Php_6mp %s" -> this is my /etc/printcap file lp_6mp|raw|lp|lp1:\ :lp=3D/dev/lp0:\ :sd=3D/var/spool/samba:\ :mx#0:\ :rw:sh:\ :fx=3Dflp:\ :rp=3Draw1:\ :rm=3D192.168.10.50: I will provide any information you need to analyse my problem. Your response is appreciated.
I have installed Samba and just about to get my printer to work with it. I have already get the command "lpr -r -Php_6mp <filename>" to work and I can see the print jobs are queueing up in /var/spool/samba directory. I can even print out any job found in this directory manually (by "lpr -r -Php_6mp <filename>") and the printing works without fail. However, the configuration just refused to work directly from my Windows 98 client. I was trying to print to the Samba print server (I can see my printer name, hp_6mp from the network neighbourhood) and nothing comes out. I found that the job had already resided onto the print server but the Samba had failed to communicate with the lpd. Does anyone know what I have done wrongly? Any response from you is highly appreciated. I am using Redhat 6.2 and Samba 2.0.7. -> this is my /etc/smb.conf file [global] workgroup =3D xxxxxxxx server string =3D xxxxxxxxxxxxxx printcap name =3D /etc/printcap load printers =3D yes printing =3D bsd [printers] comment =3D All printers path =3D /var/spool/samba browseable =3D no public =3D yes guest ok =3D yes writable =3D no printable =3D yes ;my print command is correct, as "lpr -r -Php_6mp %s" -> this is my /etc/printcap file lp_6mp|raw|lp|lp1:\ :lp=3D/dev/lp0:\ :sd=3D/var/spool/samba:\ :mx#0:\ :rw:sh:\ :fx=3Dflp:\ :rp=3Draw1:\ :rm=3D192.168.10.50: I will provide any information you need to analyse my problem. Your response is appreciated.
We are using samba 2.2.2 to access unix print servers on windows 2000. The printers get installed on the windows 2000 and works fine but it uses the printer drivers installed locally. If we are able to create smb share for the printer drivers on samba server then we do not have to install printers on windows and we can directly use by mapping them and using the printer drivers from samba server. However, even on creating the samba share for the drivers, the printers on windows 2000 still use the local drivers from C:\WINNT\system32\spool\drivers and not the drivers from samba server. Chapter 6 on printing of the Samba-HOWTO-Collection for 2.2.x discusses the print driver installation but is this documentation only for Windows NT. Because, we have not been able to use this documentaion to be able to create samba share for printer drivers to be used on Windows 2000. Any suggestion in this regard is highly welcome. Thanks __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax http://
We are using samba 2.2.2 to access unix print server's print-queue on windows 2000. The printers get installed on the windows 2000 and works fine but it uses the printer drivers installed locally. If we are able to create smb share for the printer drivers on samba server then we do not have to install printers on windows and we can directly use by mapping them and using the printer drivers from samba server. However, even on creating the samba share for the drivers, the printers on windows 2000 still use the local drivers from C:\WINNT\system32\spool\drivers and not the drivers from samba server. Chapter 6 on printing of the Samba-HOWTO-Collection for 2.2.x discusses the print driver installation but is this documentation only for Windows NT. Because, we have not been able to use this documentaion to be able to create samba share for printer drivers to be used on Windows 2000. Any suggestion in this regard is highly welcome. Thanks __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax http://