I am having difficulties in two areas regarding unencrypted
passwords. The first is I added the use Administrator to the unix box,
and I can log in from the console, however I cannot log in from a
LANMANAGER client. The second thing is that accounts in the unix passwd
file that have null passwords can't login to the samba server either. Is
there a solution to either of these problems; if not, both accounts
(Administrator, and the one with the null password) worked when I had
encrypt passwords enabled, however smbd wasn't runing setuid, or mapping
permissions properly. Is there a workaround for that? Any help would be
\|/ ____ \|/ Daniel Corbe (IRC: Byrd, AIM: corbe8124)
-@_/ o0 \_@- ------------
/_( \__/ )_\ E-Mail: corbe@corbe.net
\__U_/ NIC Handle: DC8124