Dear Sir: I just installed Samba 2.0.3 in one of our Solaris 2.6 box. One problem I have is that all of NT 4.0 workstations and servers are fine to connect with the Samba server but not Window's 95/98. From 95/98, you may see the Samba server and even map to a drive to the Samba server's share but cannot get into it. For example, I can map E: to one of share directories in the Samba server. Then I can see there are a file called TEST.HTML and a subdirectory called SRC under the drive E:. But when I double-click this TEST.HTML file or the SRC subdirectory, I will get an error message says "The file E:\TEST.HTML doesn't exist" or "The folder E:\SRC doesn't exist". Does anyone know how to fix the problem? Thanks in advance. Wei +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wei Yang Director of Electronic Archives Maryland State Archives Email: Voice: (410)260-6462 Fax: (410)974-2525 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++