1. This is probably stupid, but I am new to dos/lanman 2. Server is a RH5.2 with shadow passwd and samba-2.0.3 and has the line orchid.khoo.lgl orchid in /etc/hosts 3. Client is a windows 3.1 with Lanman 2.2 and given the name shenton with ID 4. When I start up the client, I log on with a username/passwd I have added to the the server and is authenticated by the server (I can also see that I have logged on in /var/log/samba/log.nmb) However, it seems I have not logged onto the server. 5. When I issue the net command, I can only see *Local*------Shenton listed 6. When I go to config -> workstation options menu, I see Your username ...:Richard Your computername .:\\Shenton Your domain ...:MYGROUP View Configuration for workstation \\Shenton Current user :Richard Workstation domain :Mygroup Login domain :Mygroup other domains : Software version number :2.2c Start workstation services : [x]Messenger [] netpopup 5. If I go to the view -> users on a domain menu, I see error The domain controller for domain MYGROUP could not be found 6. If I log off and then log in again I see successful login effective username :Richard Logon server :\\orchid last logon : NEVER must log off by : NEVER What should I do? Thanks alot. Cheers Richard KHOO Guan Chen