"CH" == Christopher Holmes <holmes@papillonres.com> writes:
CH> I recently set up Samba on a sparc 2 running sun os 4.1.3. It's
CH> set up as the browse master. We have a few PC's running NT, 95,
CH> & 98. On the NT machines, only the unix box shows up in the
CH> network neigborhood. Win95 & 98 are a little weirder: some
CH> machines show up and others don't.
CH> Any ideas on where to start? I've read the browsing docs and
CH> everything looks correct.
CH> Chris
Not that I'm any kind of expert, but try starting nmbd with non-zero
debug levels (-d option). Level 2 or 3 might shed some light w/out
overwhelming you w/info. Note that 'debug level' in smb.conf
seem to work (at least, for me), you have to supply an explicit
cmd-line option. Also, check the settings of your "syslog" variables,
to make sure the debugging output goes where you expect it.