hello, I am wondering how to print LARGE files.. samba seems to trunkate large files.. I changed my printer command = lp -d%p %s to no avail. If I print the file to the disk on the server I can then issue an lp -dhp5si LARGEFILE and it prints fine. any suggestions?? thanks in advance. Robert
> hello, > I am wondering how to print LARGE files.. > samba seems to trunkate large files.. > I changed my printer command = lp -d%p %s > to no avail. > If I print the file to the disk on the server I can then issue > an lp -dhp5si LARGEFILE and it prints fine. > any suggestions?? > thanks in advance. > RobertA few things to try: 1. Check the the disk on which the spool directory used by samba to store the incoming print file (specified with the "path =" line in the [printers] section of smb.conf) isn't running out of space. 2. Also you don't mention which OS you have but if it has print quotas does the user printing the file have one set? When you try it by printing to a file on a file share and then issuing the print command are you logged in as the user doing the printing or someone else? 3. Check that the client isn't running out of disk space during the print operation. In some cases the client will spool either a windows meta-file or the final printer output locally before transferring it to the samba spool dir - this may happen differently for a "print to file" option. Check settings like "Fast printing direct to port" on Win3.X (turn this on to get windows to send straight to the network) or "Enable print spooling" on an NT client (turn this off to get the client to send straight to the net). There will be a similar setting for 95 but I can't remeber what it's called. -- Steve Fosdick Internet: fosdicsj@aom.bt.co.uk Voice: +44 1473 642987 MSMAIL: BTEA/BTLIP23/FOSDICSJ Fax: +44 1473 646656 BOAT: FOSDICSJ Snail: B29/G34, BT Labs, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, IP5 7RE, England.
I had the same problem where it seemed that files greater than 1 MB would not fully print from Windows. I believe I also tried printing from the command line on my Linux box and it printed fine. Out of desperation, I tried setting mx=0 in the printer's printcap entry (`man printcap`). mx is the variable that limits print size. It's default is supposed to be set to zero (unlimited) but I tried it anyway and it worked. Hope this does it. =William Rozmiarek williamroz@yahoo.com ...consultant at large _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at mail.yahoo.com
hey thanks for the responses!! I tried the suggestions.. The disk is not running out of space it is only at 1% when the spool file is present. I am running freeBSD 2.2.6 without disk quotas and without print quotas. About printing from the command line.. I did not print from the same users account (they only have samba accounts their shell is passwd)but I will change one of them and give it a try... I changed the spool settings on the win95 client to "print directly to port and RAW" this had no change in effect. The following occurs: I will begin a print job on the client and as it is printing (about 4-5 minutes) I will sit in the /var/spool/samba directory and keep doing an "ll" to see the size of the file, It grows and grows depending on the print job (last one was exactly 1802240) and then presto it is gone in an instant, it was shipped off to the lp spooler I guess at which time it prints about 6 or 7 pages and stops. (I am sending a font file about 900k before the job). I have set :mx=0: in the printcap file. no change. printcap is as follows: hp5si:\ :lp=:rm=hp5si:rp=PORT_1: \ :sd=/var/spool/lpd/hp5si: \ :lf=/var/log/lpd/hp5si: \ :mx=0: just for reference I can print this same file to dare I say the Novell server that I am trying to replace and everything goes fine.(this queue is connected to the same jetdirect card "asp"). sorry to be so long winded just wanted to give some background.. thanks again for the responses and thanks in advance for any further clues into this matter.. Robert