GREETINGS to SAMBA TEAM! I've been trying to put up samba (version 1.9.18) to act as a lan manager in a small network of linux and win95 boxes. The network seems ok and has been operational for sometime now. PING, TELNET, FTP, NFS, MASQUERADING, REMOTE X-WINDOWS are all working fine. I need to put up samba to allow sharing of files and resources between the linux boxes and the win95 boxes. I've tried a multitude of scenarios and the following problems are encountered: 1)On the Linux Samba server: - nmblookup any-win95-box works fine. - nmblookup any-linux-box(including the server) gives the message: "name-query failed to find name". - testparm smb.conf works fine. - testparm smb.conf any-host any-host ip works fine. - smbclient -L samba-server This only shows the win95 boxes and the server on the browse list. 2)On a linux box host (acting as client) - nmblookup any-linux-box gives "name-query failed" - nmblookup on any-win95-box works fine. - smbclient '\\samba-server\sharename' works fine 3)On a win95 box (acting as client) - browse list shows only win95 boxes and the samba-server. - net view any-linux-box gives the message "error 51 specified computer not receiving requests" It seems that my "nmbd" server is not functioning the way it should. I've been reading most of the man pages and documentation and have tried different "smb.conf" configuration but the problems remain unsolved. I'll appreciate any TIPS, ADVICE, HELP, and GUIDANCE. And I'm amenable to send in the BEST PIZZA in the world (I'm in New York City - that's where the best is)... Thanks in advance. Rolfe