From: "Deepak Wilson" <> To: <> Subject: Samba and Catalyst 5500 problem Date sent: Wed, 2 Sep 1998 12:09:32 -0700 We have a problem with Samba and the Cisco 5500. With Samba installed on Sun Solaris we are NOT able to view the Sun machine using network neighbourhood when connected through the switch. However if we use a HUB inplace of the switch everything works fine. Please find below the details Machine OS hostname IPaddress netmask Broadcast PC windows95 win95 SUN Solaris 2.6 durango Samba Version 1.9.18p7 On Solaris Scenario A ( When connected Through the switch ) I can ping from PC to SUN and Vice-Versa. From the PC I can Telnet to SUN without the help of any gateway configured. We are using a classless subnet mask. Broadcasts are going thro as on the sun machine when I snoop on the interface I can see the PC broadcasting basically doing an arp when I hit the Network Neighbourhood button--> Entire Network. Also Samba has provided a diagnostic Readme file containing 10 steps to successfully install and configure Samba. All the seps go thro except the 10th step which states that from the file manager we should be able to browse the Sun machine durango. Through the switch I am able to do the follwing :- Test1: Test for errors on the smb.conf files on Solaris using command # testparm smb.conf ( This is OK) Test2: Ping both machines from win95 ping durango and from durango ping win95. I am not using DNS just /etc/hosts and c:\windows\hosts c:\windows\lmhosts. ( This is OK) Test3: Run on SUN # smbclient -L durango . This should give me a list of shares, browse list and a work group list ( Its OK) Test4: Run on SUN # nmblookup -B durango It should give me the IP address of durango ( Its OK) Test5: Run on SUN # nmblookup -B win95 It should give me the IP address of win95 (Its OK) Test6: Run on SUN # nmblookup -d 2 '*'. All machines running netbios should respond and machine win95 responds with its IP address ( Its OK) Test7: Run on SUN # smbclient '\\durango\public' It is supposed to prompt me for a password for the account admin which I have specified in the smb.conf file. Once I key in the pasword it is supposed to give me the smb: \> prompt from which I can type dir or the help command ( It works OK) Test8: On the PC run the command "net view \ " I should get a sharename, type and comment ( Its OK) test9: On the PC run the command "net use y: \\durango\public" It should map my Sun machine to Y: ( its fine) Test10: On the PC from File mamager try to browse the server. The Sun machine Durango should appear in the browse list. THIS PART DOES NOT WORK. Elimnating the switch I now use a HUB to connect the PC and the SUN using the same IP address netmask etc.. All 10 steps work fine and the machine Durango appears under the Unix workgroup and I can browse thro directories etc without any problem.... Bob Jaques Manager, Networks Systems tel 925-355-2931-287 IMS Net Inc. fax 925-355-1139 12657 Alcosta Blvd, Suite 418 San Ramon CA 94583
You wrote: | We have a problem with Samba and the Cisco 5500. With Samba | installed on Sun Solaris we are NOT able to view the Sun machine using | network neighbourhood when connected through the switch. However if we | use a HUB inplace of the switch everything works fine. |Machine OS hostname IPaddress netmask Broadcast |PC windows95 win95 |SUN Solaris 2.6 durango Looks like a netmask issue between the hub and switch. converting to binary, we get is (in octal) 377.377.370.000 or 11111111.11111111.11111000.00000000 (binary) Your PC address is (octal) 300.250.5.244 or 11000000.10101000.00000101.10100100 =======================------------ network part host part Your broadcast should then be 11000000.10101000.00000111.11111111 =======================------------ network part host part or 300.250.007.377 octal, or, which is what you said. Therefor both machines are on net 192.168.7, as intended... and clearly work (;-)) Despite passing broadcasts, something may still be wrong with the switch. Did you get arp replies??? Try setting the switch to think you're using a class B subnet mask, and see if things work that way. Also look at the switch documentation for ``helper'', ``vlan'' or ``broadcast'' keywords, in hopes of finding a documented bug pretending to be a feature (:-)) --dave -- David Collier-Brown, | Cherish your enemies. They're harder to 185 Ellerslie Ave., | come by than friends and more motivated. Willowdale, Ontario |, N2M 1Y3. 416-223-8968 |