Greetings, my name is Norm Long. I have been trying to install Samba on a HP-UX 10.20 machine without much success. Actually the only problem I have is getting nmbd to run. I can do a net view \\Hosea from my nt workstation and see all the directories specified in the smb.conf file and can from Hosea do a smbclient -L hosea and see a list of available shares for Hosea. But when I go to explorer and the domain I placed Hosea in I don't see Hosea as an server, nor do I see it when I do a net view from my nt workstation with no options. On Hosea I can see smbd running but I can't get the nmbd process to start, using the following command /opt/samba/bin/nmbd -D /var/adm/smblogs/log My other request is regarding the latest version of Samba for hp-ux 10.20, can anyone tell me where I can get latest version in swinstall format? I noticed the version I'm running Samba 1.9.15p8 is not the current version so perhaps my problems are related to an older version. Could someone please advise? I would appreciate this very much as I'm at a dead end.