On Tue, 11 Aug 1998, Mahmut Vural ERKOC wrote:
> I am trying to access a directory which is password protected for a
> username in /etc/passwd and shadow. Win 95 has no problems acessing
the> directories using windows logon name as name and asking passwd for the
> directory for that user name. When I upgraded to win 98, the
directories> became inaccesible. I checked log.<machine> and found that win 98 is
> trying to access to those directories as user guest neglecting
whatever> i've written to windows logon. I am not using any windows NT for
logon.> ...
does your Samba server accept encrypted passwords? I don't know very
much about Win98, but it seems to me that this is the problem (see Samba
digest 1692/1693, May 1998).
Win95 sends plain passwords to the server (not encrypted), by default,
wereas Win98 encrypts them, by default.
That directory is shared with an option "public = yes" or "guest
ok", I
suppose. Is that correct?
As Win98 cannot connect with the username you supply, it tries to
connect with the guest account.
I warmly recommend switching Samba to support NT/LANMAN encrypted
passwords. If you'd like to do this, follow the instructions in
ENCRYPTION.txt in the Samba documentation. I did so, and it works
You may also obtain ENCRYPTION.txt from
gd.tuwien.ac.at/infosys/servers/samba/docs .