Hello all, I have been running Samba quite happily for at least a month without any major problems. However, on the 29/5, Samba suddenly stopped accepting connections. Rebooting the server didn't help, and I couldn't even get smbclient to make a connection from the server. The error message reported was "Server software is being unfriendly", or something very similar. After a number of hours of frustration (and even upgrading Samba to the latest version), I finally discovered that Samba was having trouble with named. If I put a reverse lookup entry in the DNS table for the server's internal network addresses, it worked, however, if it was just relying on the hosts table on the server, it didn't work. (The internal network addresses are 192.etc, so I didn't want them in the DNS table. However, I have set up the latest named so that it only does the lookup for internal addresses). Can anyone suggest a reason as to why Samba should suddenly die like this, as nothing was changed on the server. (BTW, the server is running FreeBSD 2.2.5). Thanks in advance Glen Gibb