Announcement of yp-smb-passwd 0.2: (yp-smb-passwd-0.2.tgz) The file above contain mods of the yppasswd/yppasswdd programs to Linux by Olaf Kirch in 1996. These replace the NIS password change client (yppasswd) and server (yppasswdd). The program should be able to be found in the Samba contrib directory as yp-smb-passwd-0.2.tgz The yppasswd client authenticates the user by prompting for the current password (as normal) but then send the clear text password to the yppasswdd which updates /etc/passwd, rebuild the NIS maps, and then calls /usr/local/samba/bin/smbpasswd to update the local smbpasswd file which contains the encrypted NT passwords. The makefile contains sections for AIX 4.2, Redhat 4.2, and Redhat 5.0 (glibc). But it may work on other platforms as well. If you get it to work let me know: TO DO List: Do all encryption on the client side.