All - We have just upgraded to Samba 1.9.18p1 and it is, as usual, wonderful. I am (still), however, having a few problems with a few WfW applications that I hope someone can help me with. In particular: We set dead time = 10 on all our servers and this, as a rule, causes no problems - disconnected shares quite happily come back when they are required by the client. We have a couple of applications, however, which don't seem to force a re-connect. They time out when trying to access data on a disconnected share and then whinge mightily about not being able to find what they are looking for. The only way to sort things out is to use some other app (DIR, even) to force a re-connection. This is mildly irritating for the most part, but is pretty disastorous when the application is running unattended an keels over part way through because it wants to find something on a disconnected share. The only solution I have found so far is to force the connexion to persist by opening a file (with notepad, if anyone cares) and keeping it open while the troublesome applications are running. This is both inelegant, in general, and in the case of one of the apps in question, would require all shares to be perpetually connected, thus defeating the object of setting a dead time in the first place. I've checked out the FAQ, awa as the archives on the Samba WWW pages, but the only suggestion I could find there was to set status = no or periodically clean up STATUS..LCK to make sure it doesn't get too big. 'Big', in this context, seemed to mean megabtyes, and the STATUS..LCK file is only 4K; setting status = no had no effect. Has anyone got any further suggestions ? FYI: the shares which are giving me grief are mounted from a Solars 1.4_U1 machine. Many TIA. randy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Randy Banks ( tel: +44 (0)1206 873067 ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change fax: +44 (0)1206 873151 University of Essex, Colchester, Essex United Kingdom CO4 3SQ -----------------------------------------------------------------------