I realise that this may be a trivial question, but I am new to samba. I am running on an SGI R3000 with Irix4.0.5F. I had now trouble compiling 1.9.17px but had to "adjust" the sources of 1.9.18 as it had hard ANSI errors (mainly functions not declared). The problem I have is that on either of my PC/Windoes95 machines I can mount files from the SGI, and the explorer opens the disk. However some (but not all) folders/directories are said by the PC to be non-existant, although they are there. I assumed this could be design, except that I cannot determine the rules as to when it happens. This is a private network, unconnected to the outside world, and without passwords except when I have to have them. The files said to be missing are obtainable via ftp, but that is a pain. What configuration thing am I missing? ==ohn ffitch