I want to use Samba as a 'special' printer server only, namely a
FAX print server for Win-95 and Win-NT systems. The users on these
systems must be registered in my Unix /etc/passwd file.
I noticed a difference in behaviour between Win-95 and Win NT
that prevents me from reaching my goal.
With Win-95, the spool file is created as 'user', with Win-NT the
spool file is created as 'nobody' (my guest account).
also the variables in the 'print command' are different:
Win-95: %u = 'user', %U = 'user'
Win-NT: %u = 'nobody', %U = 'user'
Due to this behaviour, I must make my FAX 'public' to nobody, otherwise
Win-NT users can not use it.
I used a test script 'tsam' to figure things out, but now I'am stuck
by this behaviour.
Anybody an idea to overcome this problem ?
my smb.conf
encrypt passwords = yes
preserve case = yes
guest account = nobody
log file = /var/log/samba-log.%m
lock directory = /var/lock/samba
share modes = yes
workgroup = Office
debuglevel = 3
browseable = no
comment = All Printers
printable = yes
browseable = no
public = no
writable = no
load printers = no
comment = FAX Service
print ok = yes
browseable = yes
; path = /var/spool/fax/spool
path = /tmp
public = yes
writable = no
print command = /bin/sh /tmp/tsam %U %s %p %j %u %a
; print command = /bin/sh /var/spool/fax/able/Wrap S %s %p %j %U
lpq command = /bin/sh /var/spool/fax/able/Wrap L %s %p %j %U
lprm command = /bin/sh /var/spool/fax/able/Wrap R %s %p %j %U
and this is tsam:
echo $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 >> /tmp/tsam.log
and this is tsam.log
%U $s %p %j %u %a
ao /tmp/MicrosoftWord-Document1 fax %j nobody WinNT
ao /tmp/gargam.a00546 fax %j ao Win95
test /tmp/TEST.a00694 fax %j nobody WinNT
test /tmp/TEST.b00694 fax %j nobody WinNT
test /tmp/Untitled-Notepad fax %j nobody WinNT
test /tmp/TEST.c00694 fax %j nobody WinNT
ao /tmp/gargam.a00593 fax %j ao Win95
test /tmp/TEST.a02149 fax %j nobody WinNT
test /tmp/TEST.b02149 fax %j nobody WinNT
test /tmp/TEST.a02222 fax %j nobody WinNT
test /tmp/TEST.b02222 fax %j nobody WinNT
ao /tmp/AO.a02280 fax %j nobody WinNT
You can see the difference in %u and %U between Win95 and WinNT
Please Help
| Alex Ongena Able NV/SA tel: +32 (0)16 53.64.80 |
| Networking Consultancy & Services fax: +32 (0)16 53.64.88 |
| Villadreef 9 GSM: 095 54.64.80 |
| B-3128 Tremelo - Belgium mailto:Alex.Ongena@able.be |