Uwe.Kloss at gmx.de
2014-May-29 14:03 UTC
feature request: hardlink (link-dest) feature on server side
Hi all, I am currently (ab)using rsync as a backup utility, creating hardlinks to files that haven't changed since last backup. Unfortunately, using a rsync daemon connection between different machines, this is only possible as a pull-type process. I.e. the daemon needs to run on the source and the client runs on the destination, doing the hardlinks. I was wondering if it is possible to incorporate the linking feature on the daemon side so it is possible to push backups? (A lot more convenient on M$ boxes!) At the moment this can be emulated by using "post-xfer exec" calling on "fdupes -rL ${RSYNC_MODULE_PATH}...". But as the function is already in the program it might be nice to have it available on the server side. See ya, Uwe