I know you guys hate questions like this, but has anyone had experience with a particular Windows client they would endorse? I need to sync some Windows boxen. I'm just looking for someone to tell me they're using X and happy. -- Jason A Nunnelley President Tech Anything, Inc. 1 888 846 4109 Fax 1 256 962 0290 Voice OneBigBook[tm], OneBigBrand[tm], OneBigBiz[tm], and OneBigShow[tm] are services provided by Tech Anything, Inc.
I use cwrsync on XP Pro sp3 and 2003 R2 Standard server SP2 and they work fine (bar the obvious cygwin limitations). -- Stuart Halliday -----Original Message----- From: "Jason A. Nunnelley" <jason@jasonn.com> To: rsync@lists.samba.org Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2008 07:32:07 -0500 Subject: Windows client> I know you guys hate questions like this, but has anyone had experience > with a particular Windows client they would endorse? > > I need to sync some Windows boxen. I'm just looking for someone to > tell > me they're using X and happy.This email is the property of ECS Technology Ltd. This company is registered in Scotland with company number 212513. VAT registered GB 761 7456 12 ecs-tech.com
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 2:32 PM, Jason A. Nunnelley wrote:> I know you guys hate questions like this, but has anyone had experience with > a particular Windows client they would endorse? > > I need to sync some Windows boxen. I'm just looking for someone to tell me > they're using X and happy.I took the following three files from cwrsync: cygiconv-2.dll, cygwin1.dll, rsync.exe, and it works (almost) OK. You need to set set CYGWIN=nontsec else binaries don't work *at all*, and it has serious issues with uppercase letters in file & folder names, as well as with spaces, sometimes. You need to use /cygdrive/c/... instead of C: if you want to use global paths, but well ... it serves our needs, at least approximately. I doubt that any other client behaves much better in that respect, and most hackers use unix, so windows support is laying a bit behind. Mojca