It is probably very simple, but I can't get it work. Example: /dir/dir1/a.jpg /dir/dir1/a.tif /dir/dir1/a.txt /dir/dir2/b.jpg /dir/dir2/b.tif /dir/dir2/b.txt /dir/dir3/x/c.jpg /dir/dir3/x/c.txt a.s.o.(a few thousands dirs) rsync should only sync the jpg and tif-files, but not the txt-files. Actually it are more extensions. The target-dir should contain the subdirs too, if an extension exists, which should be synced. So the result should be in the target-dir, when synced: /dirsynced/dir1/a.jpg /dirsynced/dir1/a.tif /dirsynced/dir2/b.jpg /dirsynced/dir2/b.tif /dirsynced/dir3/x/c.jpg I use the options rlptgoDvz. Thanks Al