Rob Sargent
2007-Nov-19 19:10 UTC
files already downloaded; rsync reporting "permission denied"
Windows-XP; rsync-2.6.9; ant-1.6.5; java-1.[45] rsync supply is on a linux box: rev-2.6.3 The file set in question has already been downloaded in its entirety successfully by rsync. A follow-on rsync (a potential update) fails with this message: [exec] rsync: rename "/c/module/82/.module.jar.VJrzXw" -> "82/module.jar": Permission denied (13) The final extension on the source or the rename (e.g. VJrzXw) varies with each invocation. That file does not exist (by the time rsync exits anyway). The module.jar contains ant tasks employed in the build. Is this perhaps a Windows issue, not wanting an open file to be touched. Is the "rename" perhaps a ruse?