On Fri 11 May 2007, Travis Quarterman wrote:> Subject: Rsync File listing
> Can someone assist me in using rsync to ssh into a remote server to obtain
> the file listing? As it appears I have some files on a remote server that I
> need to pull, however there are many files in the remote server directory,
> to why I am wanting to only pull a certain (-mtime -1).
> Here is what I have so far:
> /usr/local/bin/rsync -e ssh -avz --delete --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync
> --files-from=- /some/dir remoteuser@martins:/home/remoteuser | find
> server*/adhoc/remotedir* -mtime -1 -print /local/dir/
Where is the input for the --files-from=- coming from? What I see above
is that you're piping the output from rsync into find, which I cannot
see being useful...
I would suggest first doing:
ssh remoteuser@martins 'find server*/adhoc/remotedir* -mtime -1 -print >
and then
/usr/local/bin/rsync -avz --delete --rsync-path=/usr/local/bin/rsync
--files-from=:/tmp/rsync-list remoteuser@martins:/home/remoteuser /local/dir/
although I hope you don't mind having any other files in /local/dir/
deleted (due to the --delete).
Paul Slootman