Hi all. Please forgive me if this question is of the "RTFM" variety.
I am new to Rsync and just attempting to determine if it will meet my needs with
respect to one problem I am attempting to solve.
I have a web application which is running on Apache2/PHP which allows users to
upload files. I would like to add a redundant server for load-balancing and
failover purposes but need to ensure that the "uploads" directory is
appropriately replicated to the second server. Thus, my question is; can Rsync
monitor a folder or filesystem for changes and perform it's synchronization
when changes occur as opposed to being "cron'd" to run at
specified intervals? If not, does anyone know of a decent way to handle such
things? I am running on a Linux platform (RHEL4).
David A. Morrow
Technical Systems Lead
Autodata Solutions Company
Tel: (519) 951-6079
Fax: (519) 451-6615
< Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose....- Janis Joplin
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