I have been continuing to research this. The problem appears as follows:
1. The directory where the data is to be copied is owned by the a specific user
assigned to each server and the group rsync (a local user I setup to run the
daemon). Others have no rights to the directory.
When rsync creates a sub-directory it assigns no rights at all to it:
I have tried the -p option on the client but it does not help.
Currently running latest version of rsync---recompiled last night.
Client is windows w/ cygwin.
d c <casteld73@yahoo.com> wrote:
I am connecting to my rsync server as follows:
ssh -f -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa -C -l SOMEUSER -L 8730:localhost:873 SOMEHOST sleep 40
rsync -av rsync://localhost:8730/module /dest
My LAN servers connect w/o incident or problems. However- I am trying to
connect in a remote server and it is giving me some grief.
rsyncd.log excerpt:
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] stat "fran/Herb's info" (in eca)
failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] recv_generator: mkdir "noreneold/My
Documents" (in eca) failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] stat "noreneold/My Documents" (in eca)
failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] recv_generator: mkdir "noreneold/My
Documents/All-in-one" (in eca) failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] stat "noreneold/My Documents/All-in-one"
(in eca) failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] recv_generator: mkdir "noreneold/My
Documents/Corel User Files" (in eca) failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] stat "noreneold/My Documents/Corel User
Files" (in eca) failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] recv_generator: mkdir "noreneold/My
Documents/My Pictures" (in eca) failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] stat "noreneold/My Documents/My Pictures"
(in eca) failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] recv_generator: mkdir "noreneold/My
Documents/WORK" (in eca) failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:00:46 [25997] stat "noreneold/My Documents/WORK" (in
eca) failed: Permission denied
2004/12/20 17:09:54 [25997] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (3690059 bytes
read so far)
2004/12/20 17:09:54 [25997] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream
(code 12) at io.c(348)
2004/12/20 17:09:54 [25997] rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (574575 bytes
read so far)
2004/12/20 17:09:54 [25997] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream
(code 12) at io.c(348)
2004/12/20 17:11:27 [25916] rsync error: received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT (code 20) at
2004/12/20 17:12:00 [26051] rsyncd version 2.6.2 starting, listening on port 873
What is strange is some files and directories copy with no problem at all. I am
trying to decide if the problem is on the server (rsync) or client side.
The client is a windows machine (server 2000). I verifide that the "active
user" has full permissions to the file that are going to be xferred.
On the server-- I am running rsync as the user rsync and on the directory I am
uploading to the group rsync has rwx rights.
I have realized I am running and older version and am currently upgrading to the
So what causes sporadic failures on uploads....also it seems as if rsync
(client) eventually hangs. If i restart rsyncd and sshd on the server it
releases itself from the server and issues clear up. I have been able to
successfully sync small directories. I noticed one of the dir's has an
" ' " in it...will this cause a problem. Do windows files / dir
names need to be modifed before copying up to rsync server.
As usual- TIA :) Hopefully I'll be able to answer some of these in the
near future.
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