i want to backup a website every day, but only get the changed files.
Otherwise just hard link to yesterdays file. So I'm trying
--link-dest. here is the script (backup.sh) I'm trying to use....
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo usage: $0 rsync_module
NEW_BACKUP=$BACKUP_DIR/`date +%m-%d-%Y`
OLD_BACKUP=$BACKUP_DIR/`date -d "-1 day" +%m-%d-%Y`
rsync -a -e ssh --delete --link-dest=$OLD_BACKUP --exclude access_log
--exclude error_log root@treedesign.com::$1 $NEW_BACKUP
... This script runs fine without any errors, but look at the i-node
numbers. not the same. its not hard linking.
$ ./backup.sh example.com && cd /home/user/backups/sites/example.com
&& ls
09-27-2004 09-28-2004 09-29-2004
$ ls -i 09-27-2004/index.html
1082520 09-27-2004/index.html
$ ls -i 09-28-2004/index.html
1140043 09-28-2004/index.html
$ ls -i 09-29-2004/index.html
1145287 09-29-2004/index.html
... so what am i doing wrong? i use absolute paths with --link-dest,
but i've also tried relative paths like --link-dest=../09-28-2004 with
no success. any pointers would be great.
by the way, i used the some rsync line on OSX/BSD and it hard links
every time. here's my info
$ uname -r -m -p -o i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz GNU/Linux
$ rsync --version
rsync version 2.6.0 protocol version 27
thanks in advance for any info