There are many different ways to accomplish this. Are you wanting to
use rsync in daemon mode, or rsync over an ssh transport?
I hate to deliver the stock answer, but it sounds like you need to RTFM
a bit and then try us back if you still can't get it to work.
> Hi,
> Have one workstation
> Have one gateway for access to internet
> Connection between them by crossover cable.
> Only this 2 boxes.
> Want to copy the gateway /home/ directory to the workstation on
> /mnt/backup/.
> Both sides of copy is on ext3.
> Rsync is installed on both boxes ... both using Suse 9.0.
> The users on both will be root in this case.
> I only have this kind of setup for a week. Used to be standalone.
> Kindly the full commandline command to accomplish this please..taking
> account the above directory/partition info.
> don't seem to get it right myself, can use rsync on workstation to
> workstation.
> Thanks