I often use rsync as basically an scp with resume functionality, but there are a couple annoyances that've often come to mind while doing this. The first is that if I've already transferred a significant amount of a large file, the ETA is rather on the low side because rsync only takes into account the starting time, current time, and the current offset in the file when computing the transfer rate. One way to get a more accurate result would be to use the actual amount of data transferred during the current session, rather than just the current offset. Another approach might be to take a rolling average of the transfer rate during the last, say, 10 seconds. These could be alternatives to the current method, specifiable as options on the command line or whatever. The second issue I have is not such a big deal, but could be improved. Again, if I'm transferring a large file and I break off the transfer at some point, resuming it with rsync will cause it to compute a bunch of hashes for the already-transferred data. Obviously, it has to do this to give a correct result in the general case, but supposing that I'm reasonably sure that the already-transferred portion is good, it would be nice to have an option to just resume directly without any hashing (I'm reasonably sure there isn't one already, but I could be wrong). Would anyone else find these options useful? I'd be willing to work on either or both, but I'm wondering if they would be useful/acceptable/desirable. Thoughts? -Jeremy