On Thu, 2004-01-01 20:39:03 +0100, ?scar Fr?as Barranco
wrote in message
<001b01c3d09e$eae0ff50$b1046650@nuevofijo>:> When I try to use rsync 2.5.7 from a Windows 2000 machine with CygWin and
> ZoneAlarm Pro 4.5.538, I get this error:
ZoneAlarm is a firewall for Win2k, right?
> Read from remote host myweb.com: Connection reset by peer
> rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer
> rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at
> /home/lapo/packaging/tmp/rsync-2.5.7/io.c(177)
> rsync -vaz --progress --recursive -e ssh myuser@myweb.com:/home/myuser/*
> /cygdrive/d/BackupsWebs/myweb.com/last
So you're using ssh for transport, which is port 22/tcp.
> Do you know what is the problem? Is it in rsync?s side or in ZoneAlarm?s?
Neither. It's you, the user. You misconfigured your firewall, and now
it's exactly doing what you told it to do. Allow 22/tcp to host
Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw@lug-owl.de . +49-172-7608481
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