On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 08:31:13AM -0800, james houston
wrote:> I would like to have my computer at home and my
> computer at work to share the same bookmarks. My idea
> was to have each of the computers sync with a server's
> bookmark file. If the client has a newer file than the
> server it would upload it, if the client has an older
> file it would download it. I already have the
> authentication keys set up and want to do it over ssh.
Unison is designed to to exactly what you want.
> Would this be one way to accomplish this? Running this
> command on the client computers periodically:
> rsync -rptvlWe ssh --delete --progress --stats
> ~/Library/bookmarks.html
> user@server.com:~/rsync/bookmarks.html
It can be done with rsync --update. As an excercise you
should justify to yourself each of the options you
used in that rsync command to sync a single file.
J.W. Schultz Pegasystems Technologies
email address: jw@pegasys.ws
Remember Cernan and Schmitt