On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 09:53:30PM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum
wrote:> Hi,
> I can't manage to get rsync's --link-dest option working.
> Here is a step by step script which doesn't produce the good results.
> # create test dir
> mkdir testrsync
> cd testrsync
> mkdir orig
> echo "abcd" > orig/testfile
> # create a mirror
> rsync -apog orig/ mirror/
> # create another mirror using link-dest
> rsync -apog --link-dest=mirror/ orig/ mirror2/
> # look at inodes
> ls -li mirror/
> ls -li mirror2/
> The inodes differs, even if timestamps, modes and size contents don't.
> What's wrong ?
If using a relative path for --link-dest it, like the path
for --compare-dest is relative to the destination directory.
J.W. Schultz Pegasystems Technologies
email address: jw@pegasys.ws
Remember Cernan and Schmitt