HI, I'm trying to transfer a list of files within a filesystem to another filesystem. I've used the option: # rsync -avzol --progress /wp05/global/FCSI/WP_RLS05/rundir/ /nfs_proj/global/WP/ However, it had produced the error below: building file list ... global/FCSI/WP_RLS05/rundir/wp_celtic_max_fullwarn.tcl.log: Value too large to be stored in data type # du -sk wp_celtic_max.tcl.log 4 wp_celtic_max.tcl.log # file wp_celtic_max.tcl.log wp_celtic_max.tcl.log: commands text May I know what is the cause of this problem? What does the error message "Value too large to be stored in data type" mean? How do I solve such an error? The destination filesystem have been created with a sufficiently large diskspace to accomodate the source data. Could someone kindly help me out? Thanks
groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&threadm=aoh5tv$10c1$1@FreeBSD.csie.NCTU.edu.tw&rnum=1&prev=/groups?q=rsync+%22value+too+large%22&ie=ISO-8859-1&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search or google on rsync "value too large" On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 03:03:58PM +0800, Leaw, Chern Jian wrote:> HI, > > I'm trying to transfer a list of files within a filesystem to another filesystem. I've used the option: > # rsync -avzol --progress /wp05/global/FCSI/WP_RLS05/rundir/ /nfs_proj/global/WP/ > > However, it had produced the error below: > building file list ... global/FCSI/WP_RLS05/rundir/wp_celtic_max_fullwarn.tcl.log: Value too large to be stored in data type > > # du -sk wp_celtic_max.tcl.log > 4 wp_celtic_max.tcl.log > > # file wp_celtic_max.tcl.log > wp_celtic_max.tcl.log: commands text > > May I know what is the cause of this problem? What does the error message "Value too large to be stored in data type" mean? > > How do I solve such an error? > > The destination filesystem have been created with a sufficiently large diskspace to accomodate the source data. > > Could someone kindly help me out? > > Thanks > > -- > To unsubscribe or change options: lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/rsync > Before posting, read: catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html >-- ________________________________________________________________ J.W. Schultz Pegasystems Technologies email address: jw@pegasys.ws Remember Cernan and Schmitt