Tarun: I don't use rsync to windows - just too much trouble and no need, but, I think the problem is the embedded colon in the path. Administrator@USB-FLATUS ~ $ touch abc:def Administrator@USB-FLATUS ~ $ ls -l abc* -rw-r--r-- 1 Administ None 0 Aug 27 12:34 abc Administrator@USB-FLATUS ~ $ rm abc:def Administrator@USB-FLATUS ~ $ tar -tvf /n/a.tar -rw-r--r-- tconway/Vlsieng 29 2002-08-27 12:32:28 abc:def Administrator@USB-FLATUS ~ $ tar -xvf /n/a.tar abc:def Administrator@USB-FLATUS ~ $ ls -l abc* -rw-r--r-- 1 Administ None 0 Aug 27 12:32 abc Administrator@USB-FLATUS ~ $ rm abc* Administrator@USB-FLATUS ~ $ It exists fine on the unix side, but when it's created on the dos side, you're creating the directory "EI-DM/chq-taruna@", but getting the directory "EI-DM/chq-taruna@", then, trying to work in the directory "EI-DM/chq-taruna@", which doesn't exist. Can you get rid of the colons? I'm not sure, though - is "EI-DM/chq-taruna" a username, and you're sending to that user at Special characters cause problems in cross-platform interactions, and require kludges to work around them. I've CCd the list, so that the better and more experienced minds can chime in with what I've left out. It's easy to turn your subscription to the list off and on as needed, in case you're concerned about the constant trickle of messages to your email, and it's the best place to get accurate info. Tim Conway tim.conway@philips.com 303.682.4917 office, 303.921.0301 cell Philips Semiconductor - Longmont TC 1880 Industrial Circle, Suite D Longmont, CO 80501 Available via SameTime Connect within Philips, caesupport2 on AIM "There are some who call me.... Tim?" Tarun.Arora@expeditors.com 08/27/2002 11:38 AM To: Tim Conway/LMT/SC/PHILIPS@AMEC cc: Subject: Rsync question. Classification: Hi Tim, Got your reference from http://lists.samba.org/pipermail/rsync/2001-October/005053.html I'm trying to get familiarized with rsync . Here is what I'm doing. If i rsync from NT client ==> Solaris everything is fine. With Cygwin and sshd running as daemon on the Sun box. But. If i rsync from Solaris ==> NT client with sshd running on NT client with this command. rsync -a -v -e ssh ./cacm.jar EI-DM/chq-taruna@ building file list ... done cannot create EI-DM/chq-taruna@ : No such file or directory cacm.jar wrote 77015 bytes read 32 bytes 154094.00 bytes/sec total size is 76910 speedup is 1.00 I'm trying to sync the cacm.jar in the current directory of the source machine to the root of target machine running Cygwin. Which according to me should resolve to c:/cygwin/home/administrator/ I think I'm assuming things wrong. I would be very obliged if you could help me here. Regards, Tarun. 206-674-3400 X 3135