Andrew: You have set the UID to "nobody". Rsync is not exempt from
unix security model. If you want to be able to preserve UID/GID, you will
have to use UID "root" (which will allow GID to be ignored).
Yeah, that is a security issue, but less than if "nobody" were free of
security restraints.
Tim Conway
303.682.4917 office, 3039210301 cell
Philips Semiconductor - Longmont TC
1880 Industrial Circle, Suite D
Longmont, CO 80501
Available via SameTime Connect within Philips, n9hmg on AIM
perl -e 'print pack(nnnnnnnnnnnn,
".\n" '
"There are some who call me.... Tim?"
Andrew <>
Sent by:
07/29/2002 01:30 AM
cc: (bcc: Tim Conway/LMT/SC/PHILIPS)
Subject: problems preserving permissions -
Hi All,
I recently installed Rsync to perform backup features - this
includes backing up a /home dir and keeping ownerships/permissions
intact is obviously very important....
However when I perform.
(current working path is /home)
rsync -azv --progress --stats * andrew@
and on the server side of things... I have it setup like so -
motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
pid file = /var/run/
lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
path = /usr/rsync/tmp
comment = Temp
uid = nobody
gid = nobody
read only = no
list = yes
auth users = andrew
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.secrets
The permissions are kept well - but the owership isn't kept - instead it
is set to nobody.nobody on the server - any ideas?
Many thanks - I know it is something small - but I am not sure what it is
I am running a turbolinux 6.5 server system for reference.
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