I'm having trouble getting rsync to output the log into common log format.
My web statistics program Webalizer (www.webalizer.org) wants the logs in
Common Log Format (httpd.apache.org/docs/mod/mod_log_common.html).
Briefly, that's a string
host ident authuser date request status bytes
subject to some conditions (for instance, the date is in square brackets).
My rsyncd.conf file has these line
log file = /var/log/rsyncd
log format = %h - - [%t] "%f" - %l
But true to the documentation, becuase there is a log file, each log line gets
a prefix (the date and the PID) that I don't want. Here are a typical
2002/02/27 21:22:44 [2002] UNKNOWN - - [2002/02/27 21:22:44]
"yi4latex/tfm/yir-3.tfm" - 1176
2002/02/27 21:22:44 [2002] UNKNOWN - - [2002/02/27 21:22:44]
"yi4latex/tfm/yir-4.tfm" - 1176
2002/02/27 21:22:44 [2002] UNKNOWN - - [2002/02/27 21:22:44]
"yi4latex/tfm/yir-5.tfm" - 716
What can I do to get rid of those?
Jim Hefferon