On Jul 15, 2010, at 6:24 PM, Matt Kolenda wrote:
> Hello
> I''m having some trouble getting rspec to recognize a route.
> # This works
> describe "routes" do
> it "should have a route" do
> { :get => "/accounts/3/jobs/3/
> applications/1/edit" }.should route_to(:controller =>
''applications'', :action => ''edit'', :id
=> "1", :account_id => "3", :job_id =>
"3" )
> end
> end
> # This fails
> describe "#edit" do
> it "should respond to application/edit" do
> get "#{edit_account_job_application_path(@account.id,
@job.id, @application.id)}"
> response.should be_success
> end
> end
Controller specs include behavior from ActionController::TestCase, which is
designed to handle requests using a hash representing the action and params
rather than a URL (or route). The proper way to do this is:
get :edit, :id => @application.id, :job_id => @job.id, :account_id =>
If you want to, you can use urls in request specs in rspec-rails-2 (integration
specs in rspec-rails-1). But I wouldn''t recommend that unless you feel
you''ll benefit from going through routing and rendering views.
> Here is the stack trace
> 1)
> ActionController::RoutingError in ''ApplicationsController#edit
should respond to application/edit''
> No route matches {:action=>"/accounts/23/jobs/
> 99/applications/299/edit", :controller=>"applications"}
> ./spec/controllers/applications_controller_spec.rb:26:
> Note that this route works fine at runtime in the browser. Also rails is
able to resolve the route "edit_account_job_application_path".
> I''m running rspec 1.3.0 and rspec-rails 1.3.2
> Thanks in advance!
> Matt
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