rspec users - Jun 2010

Wednesday June 30 2010
5:00PM 9 Shoulda and explicit subject
1:45PM 7 Exception handling
Tuesday June 29 2010
11:44PM 2 Entering text into a text field using rspec
10:08PM 1 How to test index method of a controller ?
9:05PM 2 Cookie assignment and reading
2:58AM 2 Using RSpec and Cucumber with Rails 3 Engines
Monday June 28 2010
6:31PM 3 Rspec
6:14PM 2 undefined method
3:00PM 13 rspec 2 not cleaning up after examples run?
5:22AM 1 ApplicationController helper methods in view specs?
3:32AM 1 have_tag matcher in rspec 2?
Sunday June 27 2010
11:51PM 3 Autotest just returns
1:05PM 0 [rspec-rails-2] conflict with view isolation and respond_with
Friday June 25 2010
10:02PM 3 [Rails] Can't get controller test working with RSpec 2 and edge Rails 3
6:56PM 5 Testing only for a redirect
4:36PM 0 Quickie blog article about dealing with Bundler, RSpec and Rake
2:05AM 0 rspec-rails-2.0.0.beta.13 requires rails-3.0.0.beta4
Thursday June 24 2010
6:23PM 21 Rake spec failure in beta.13
2:30PM 1 Cucumber - organize scenario outline example
8:05AM 4 RSpec 2: what should I replace 'params_from' with?
6:37AM 1 rspec(-rails).2.0.0.beta.13: no such file to load -- action_view/testing/resolvers
Wednesday June 23 2010
5:07PM 5 weirdness with rake spec!
1:10AM 1 RSpec, plugins and stubbing controller methods
Tuesday June 22 2010
8:29AM 2 rails 3 + latest rspec 2: route set not finalized
6:16AM 2 Bundler, rake spec and Steak
5:05AM 1 Issue when run my specs in Textmate but not in terminal
Sunday June 20 2010
8:19PM 10 RSpec 2 view specs: partial mocks
6:58PM 7 rspec-rails 2.0.0.beta.12 showing undefined method error for route_to
12:30PM 10 RSpec 2 view example: render_template
6:37AM 1 [RSpec]Doubt while Testing with RSpec
Saturday June 19 2010
9:19PM 2 RSpec 2: view example groups don't load helpers?
8:54PM 5 cleaner failure messages?
5:27PM 4 RSpec 2.0, Cucumber, ruby-debug
5:07PM 3 rspec-rails 2 webrat dependency
Friday June 18 2010
7:29PM 1 Unexpected behavior with Matchers::Change and empty collections
4:46PM 7 Mocking/Faking requests for js/ajax-based tests
Thursday June 17 2010
4:07PM 2 chain argument expectations?
Wednesday June 16 2010
2:11PM 5 accessing constants from another module within examples
Tuesday June 15 2010
10:15PM 7 rspec (steak) turning off transactional fixtures
6:58AM 0 request for feedback
6:57AM 0 blog post on filtering examples in rspec-2
Monday June 14 2010
11:40PM 7 Testing render :update
7:05PM 4 Undefined method respont_to - rspec
3:24PM 2 I'm having a couple of nuisance things happening with jruby and rspec
Sunday June 13 2010
11:54PM 0 Recommendations for ticket #971 workaround?
8:15PM 2 Method stub return values for message expectations
Friday June 11 2010
10:54PM 1 Rails 3 , RSpec 2.0.0.beta.11
6:22PM 4 Rails 3 Mailer spec with arguments ?
5:49PM 2 cleanup wiki
1:34PM 3 RoutingError in spec for helper
7:08AM 8 undefined local variable or method `assigns'
2:35AM 12 Rspec 2, Rails 3 and Webrat
2:07AM 2 Stubbing before_filters with RSpec and stub!
Thursday June 10 2010
7:14PM 7 Rails 3 Support/Design
6:53PM 4 Rspec 2 (beta.11) view spec haml
4:21PM 1 RSpec 2: uninitialized constant - mocking belongs_to AR relation
3:49PM 1 RSpec 2: undefined method `controller_name' for :Class (NoMethodError)
3:38PM 1 RSpec 2 equivalent for: assigns[:message].should == @message
9:23AM 2 [OT] programming (OOP) principles resources
4:08AM 1 mock_model not working in rspec2?
3:31AM 1 Custom Matchers : Shouldn't they follow DRY principle ?
Wednesday June 9 2010
10:00PM 0 RSpec book examples online for RSpec 2.beta11 + Cucumber 0.8 + Rails 3.beta3 + Capybara
9:46PM 0 Rspec2 mock assign - how do I get the value out?
4:56PM 3 assigns in RSpec 2 - deprecation warning on rendered?
Tuesday June 8 2010
8:05AM 3 Error while running rspec after unpacking rails gems
Monday June 7 2010
9:43PM 3 How to test the assignment of current_user
2:56PM 3 mock assertions on block parameters
2:13PM 1 (no subject)
Sunday June 6 2010
11:42PM 2 Mocking and specing command line (cli) execution, file operations etc. ?
12:24AM 7 How do I stub a view in rspec-2
Saturday June 5 2010
7:53PM 24 Problems running RSpec 2 with autotest/autospec
7:08PM 3 spec.opts is deprecated - Using options file with RSpec 2
5:42PM 9 Should I be using database_cleaner to tear down data in RSpec 2.0 + Rails 3.0?
Friday June 4 2010
7:32AM 1 slow and high cpu in rails3?
Thursday June 3 2010
5:00PM 1 Rails 3 + RSpec-Rails 2.0 generators (different question)
12:49AM 3 Rails 3 + RSpec-Rails 2.0 generators?
Wednesday June 2 2010
10:57PM 4 beta 9
12:50PM 5 Programmatically counting RSpec tests?
Tuesday June 1 2010
9:53PM 1 RSpec book errata #57 - undefined method `include' : what to do?
11:37AM 1 How to mock/stub a directory of files and their contents?