On Jul 4, 2010, at 7:15 PM, Frank Mattia wrote:
> What''s the appropriate way to test namespaced routes with rspec-2
> rails 3?
> I imagined that the following would work but it does not.
> describe Admin::UsersController do
> describe "routing" do
> it "recognizes and generates #index" do
> { :get => "/admin/users" }.should route_to(:controller
> "admin_users", :action => "index")
> end
> end
> end
> In fact,
> { :get => "/admin/users" }.should be_routable
> fails as well. Yet rake routes disagrees.
> Any suggestions?
This is a deficiency in the API recognized and discussed in
(which came after your post). Please feel free to follow and/or contribute to
that conversation.