Rails - Feb 2014

Friday February 28 2014
5:00PM 0 Implementing :touch for has_many
3:14PM 0 Please someone help me out to find a perfect consultant for Ruby on Rails position...
1:31PM 0 Help with regex and <p> tag
6:13AM 0 Problem with returning nested json with condition
1:07AM 0 Amazon S3
Thursday February 27 2014
10:52PM 0 Error custom_require.rb line 36
7:03PM 0 Query through a join table question
6:30PM 0 Using Polymer Web Components and Rails
3:52PM 0 startup script
1:08PM 0 [JOBS] Calling out smart and young entrepreneurial RoR devs to join Stylopa
6:10AM 0 Error messages still don't escape angle brackets?
1:33AM 0 Rails 4: ExecJS::RuntimeError in Admin#index
12:34AM 0 How to Integrate Twilio With Your Rails 4 App
Wednesday February 26 2014
4:34PM 0 strange mysql/webrick issue with rails 3.2.8 and ruby 1.8.7
Tuesday February 25 2014
10:00PM 0 OT: buying a Mac computer
9:59PM 0 What requirements for Google Summer of Code
11:43AM 0 mobile app JSON calls to controller
4:53AM 0 Looking for RoR Partner for New StartupLeap project
3:47AM 0 Best Way To Manage Mutable Public Rails Return Types
Monday February 24 2014
11:33PM 0 Optimize query to use sql over ruby iterators
7:33PM 0 JOBS - Cambridge, MA Start Up seeks experienced Ruby Developer
4:56PM 0 Jim Weirich's final GitHub commit
3:28PM 0 Custom order of Hash
1:47PM 0 Full-stack Ruby on Rails Programmer for Swiss startup
12:35PM 0 Please help to DRY snippet
10:50AM 0 harmony gem issue
10:10AM 0 Advanced ActiveRecord tutorials
10:06AM 0 Newbie friendly open source project?
Sunday February 23 2014
2:05PM 0 [x] new Tweets bar in Twitter
10:38AM 0 ExecJS::RuntimeError in Say#hello
Saturday February 22 2014
8:05PM 0 Validates inclusion of include fails at plugin.
6:31PM 0 Page Administration through change of session
Friday February 21 2014
8:43PM 0 Action mailer + smtp.gmail.com = timeout
10:36AM 0 assert_template changed behaviour from 3.x to 4.0.x
6:21AM 0 Importing Contacts
Thursday February 20 2014
6:15PM 0 Sending SMS from application
3:57PM 0 [JOB]RoR Software Engineer, Boston AREA
2:51PM 0 Railsplayground / Amazon S3 authenticated_url "Gotcha"
1:55PM 0 Background worker dynos on Rails using Heroku
12:40PM 0 Looking for remote ROR projects
10:16AM 0 Correct way to integrate bootstrap themes with rails app.
12:27AM 0 Ruby 2.0 / Rails 4 respond_to produces ActionController::UnknownFormat
Wednesday February 19 2014
8:24PM 0 Extending a module to models causes ArgumentError A copy of xx has been removed from module tree
7:21PM 0 find email by account using active record
3:09PM 0 New to Ruby? Learn about Code blocks, Symbols and Syntactic Sugar
Tuesday February 18 2014
6:28PM 0 CSS Reference Lost in Some Cases
3:59PM 0 Compiled assets are not found in production mode run locally
1:41PM 0 Rails where clause help
10:56AM 0 Understanding this Shopping Cart thing - rails4
10:35AM 0 Rails.logger is nil when invoking rake tasks
10:12AM 0 I failed in C language , what about ruby on rails ??
9:26AM 0 [JOBS Feedback Needed] Looking for Ruby on Rails newcomers who used to program in other languages
7:38AM 0 Why does calling .delete_all on has_many relationship nullifies foreign keys.
12:13AM 0 How to Test Multimodel Paperclip attachments?
Monday February 17 2014
9:38PM 0 Get database filled with data only one time?
9:18PM 0 Need help -FATAL: database "catarse_development" does not exist
6:22PM 0 Looking for ruby on rails mentors
1:28PM 0 Hi i;m new in Ruby on Rails need same help
4:57AM 0 CanCan: How to define ability with some conditions
4:44AM 0 RVM group in Terminal
3:40AM 0 Update 'strong_parameters' from 0.1.4 to 0.2.3
Saturday February 15 2014
9:46PM 0 Best way to securely connect to remote Postgres server from Rails.
Friday February 14 2014
3:57PM 0 Jobs - Looking for Ruby on Rails Engineers around NYC
11:12AM 0 Sender Email
10:33AM 0 Refresh token using Omniauth-oauth2 in Rails application?
10:28AM 0 Active Record from an existing PostgreSQL database
10:21AM 0 Issue with autocomplete jquery.
Thursday February 13 2014
10:08PM 0 Attention Please - Hiring Now: Immediate Need for Ruby on Rails Developer
8:52PM 0 JOBS (I'm looking)
6:53PM 0 [JOBS] Senior Ruby Developer - Contract in North San Diego
6:57AM 0 StatementInvalid error when adding a tagging system to a blog
Wednesday February 12 2014
1:03PM 0 [advice] Viewing projects in portfolio
12:53AM 0 Help Installing rbenv?
Tuesday February 11 2014
8:43PM 0 Cucumber test question
4:46PM 0 form_for (or erb) is pulling floats instead of ints in ActiveRecord
4:45PM 0 Error- While starting Rails Server
3:14PM 0 Announcing: ActiveRestClient
Monday February 10 2014
11:59PM 0 Senior Grails Developers in Phoenix
10:04PM 0 Scaffolding question
4:50PM 0 (Newb alert) One-to-many...
2:01PM 0 Are you looking for Ruby on Rails developer?
1:16PM 0 install Mysql2 -v '0.3.14' for rails 4 error on windows 7
Friday February 7 2014
10:24PM 0 One model, two registrations, one form
9:24PM 0 Active Record Rails 3.2 undefined method 'each'
8:24PM 0 Gem errors
6:53PM 0 where can i get list of bloggers with their email id on ruby on rails
6:02PM 0 (JOBS) Wanted :RoR Software Engineer (Boston Area)
5:20PM 0 need dynamic forms ui ideas for approval workflows
12:38PM 0 is nested json structure supported for activerecord - postgresql?
12:34AM 0 [JOBS] yp.com is hiring Ruby engineers!
Thursday February 6 2014
11:48PM 0 Lightweight versioning of a model
9:52PM 0 switching response formats
6:05PM 0 Help ! asap ...
3:48PM 0 Heroku, Ruby on Rails, GitHub
3:32AM 0 Web App looking for a new business model
2:53AM 0 Array Confusion
12:26AM 0 Google Geolocation
Wednesday February 5 2014
11:55PM 0 rbenv to RVM command equivalencies
4:46PM 0 Rails shared helpers within views conflict
4:42PM 0 problems with installing the rails gem
2:26PM 0 Automated Form Filling [Off Topic(ish)]
9:04AM 0 Solr Search with one to many associations
12:58AM 0 Ruby on Rails application could not be started
Tuesday February 4 2014
8:39PM 0 RoR Adv. developer/business partner opportunity
7:56PM 0 Moving from Engineyard to Amazon's OpsWorks
2:23PM 0 How to handle cache in rails 3.2.11
2:13AM 0 - Ruby 2.0: cannot load such file -- mysql/mysql.so in Windows
2:11AM 0 Ruby 2.0: cannot load such file -- mysql/mysql.so in Windows
Monday February 3 2014
7:56PM 0 Rails 4 update data using xml and jquery
7:20PM 0 Best practice to use AngularJS with Rails 4
3:24PM 0 Ecommerce
12:16PM 0 rails and Asterisk
10:52AM 0 refactor code in api::controller
10:32AM 0 Are you in Search of ruby on Rails developer ??
9:36AM 0 Is Array constants in the model can be changed during runtime?
6:23AM 0 How to decrypt .net API response in rails app ?
Sunday February 2 2014
6:03PM 0 AngularJS with turbolinks
4:01PM 0 adding data from rails seed DB file
10:01AM 0 require or include page in ruby on rails
6:22AM 0 Best practise for setting default URL parameters in the controller
2:41AM 0 Newbie Rails developer, can't get my database back to how it was before
1:18AM 0 removed show method from controller yet show page is still present. why?
Saturday February 1 2014
1:31AM 0 Problem with my associations Users -> Accounts -> Transactions
12:12AM 0 twitter-bootstrap-rails Gem adds a LOT of .js files to the page, doesn't it?