Rails - Dec 2013

Monday December 30 2013
10:26PM 0 How can I separate the db DBA user and the db app user
2:12PM 0 rails engines and models
12:03PM 0 combining models
2:55AM 0 Getting Started Guide section 4.2: Could not find generator controller?
12:39AM 0 No Route Matches
Sunday December 29 2013
1:44PM 0 word cloud
4:28AM 0 Formulated Excel to Views
Friday December 27 2013
4:41AM 0 rails server error
Thursday December 26 2013
9:23PM 0 Absolute Fresher! Help!! Need a Tutor!
8:41PM 0 Rails Engines problem: routing_error.erb within rescues/layout
1:15PM 0 Rails 4 routing issue
6:58AM 0 not able to post others wall using fb_grpah gem
5:34AM 0 rails 3.2.1
Wednesday December 25 2013
10:43PM 0 What Gives? If Rails is so good why is it so hard to install it?
11:33AM 0 Rails convention while creating model using `rails g`.
2:09AM 0 Stack traces when using render
Tuesday December 24 2013
11:05PM 0 remote, experienced, senior, possibly long term rails dev to work on ongoing code base
4:01PM 0 Video and audio upload
6:45AM 0 Search
1:44AM 0 Super Bowl XLVIII (American Football) Fixtures and Match Picks (w/ Open Source Rails Web App)
Monday December 23 2013
12:24PM 0 configuring rails app in LAMP or WAMP server
6:59AM 0 ruby edit sudo file
Saturday December 21 2013
8:55PM 0 Ruby on Rails full stack developer oppertunity in NOIDA,INDIA for IDIFY SOLUTIONS LLP
7:08PM 0 I am getting following error while running the rails s.
2:19PM 0 Omniauth facebook sessions controller create action integration
11:34AM 0 Cannot run second rails app in second domain (in vps)
9:30AM 0 I want to buy nike air yeezy 2 "Red October" Where is cheaper?
12:48AM 0 "no such file to load -- my_extensions (MissingSourceFile)"
Friday December 20 2013
1:58PM 0 User Authentication & Authorization with Devise & CanCan
12:39PM 0 Rails, accepts_nested_attributes_for has_many: through with build
3:07AM 0 Rails server not starting and giving error messages
1:32AM 0 A Ruby Story - Ruby & Ruby on Rails blog
Thursday December 19 2013
8:00PM 0 Refill a form when invalid data is submitted
4:41PM 0 reset_authentication_token! method not being called but reset_authentication_token_! can be called
8:38AM 0 Gem Install bundler fails
4:42AM 0 [JOBS] Looking for a Ruby/RoR developer in Singapore
Wednesday December 18 2013
10:32AM 2 Start another rails server from one rails application
8:10AM 1 Yelp Clone on Rails
12:34AM 1 Rails 4.1.0.beta1 released
Tuesday December 17 2013
7:24PM 1 Uso de SPLAT
5:21PM 0 [JOBS] Hardcore Ruby on Rails Developer Needed
1:12PM 0 Creating a simple ToDo application with Ruby on Rails - Part Two
12:32PM 0 Seeking mentor...code review and employment assistance
12:05PM 1 ActiveRecord and tiny_tds
7:03AM 1 Tire: Problem with including associations while doing a multi-model search
6:15AM 4 sub domain + different rails application
Monday December 16 2013
4:30PM 3 Menu selections too fast for Heroku?
10:29AM 1 [Redmine] Hide subprojects in welcome page
7:54AM 0 SMS ruby on rails
Saturday December 14 2013
3:36AM 2 rails form_for + address picker jquery creates odd parameter format for post
12:13AM 3 Ruby Code Challenges
Friday December 13 2013
8:09PM 0 I need help, the project Ruby on Rails or PHP
10:23AM 0 Talent Pool Technologies Is Looking For ROR Developer
7:04AM 2 Re: Datamatrix generator
Thursday December 12 2013
9:26AM 2 JS response -pls help somebody
8:20AM 0 Request Gem recommendation for barcode generator & reader
Wednesday December 11 2013
7:15PM 2 Installing rails app on apache
6:51PM 0 Remote Junior Ruby on Rails Developer
6:15PM 1 Connect automatically on wifi
12:00PM 0 Will_paginate and full text search with MongoID
10:37AM 7 Rails flash notice won't go away in Safari?
Tuesday December 10 2013
9:45PM 2 form_tag + fields_for Rails 4
8:43PM 0 JOBS: Ruby on Rails Developer & Security Engineer
8:29PM 2 working with models, efficent queries..
1:50PM 0 JOBS: Ruby on Rails - Direct hire Opportunity- McLean, VA
1:32PM 6 Email out of Rescue
12:12PM 0 Fedex plugin Rails Issue.
Monday December 9 2013
5:44PM 0 Add variable argument length second argument to ActiveSupport pluralize(?)
10:50AM 2 Ruby On Rails so serve para CRUD's
7:07AM 0 Talent Pool Technologies is looking for ROR Developer /Sr. Developer
Saturday December 7 2013
7:23PM 1 difference between Self joins and self-referential association
3:54AM 3 Tutorial - Creating a simple ToDo application
2:37AM 0 New to programming and Rails - - study friend?
Friday December 6 2013
2:43PM 0 I have a job for Junior Ruby on Rails Developer for a UK based company
11:37AM 0 Sr. Rails Architect\Dev - Bangalore, India
9:08AM 0 Stage développeur RubyOnRails.js
3:36AM 2 Persisting Session Data When Cookies Are Disabled
Thursday December 5 2013
11:58PM 0 gmail contacts issue
9:06PM 1 Recommendations for a fast standalone ActiveRecord process?
8:40PM 0 Build up your Ruby on Rails expert reputation and get paid to help others code
10:05AM 4 Adding instant messaging to a rails application
9:58AM 0 Adding instant messaging/chat to rails application
5:40AM 0 I have bloat. Should I use Rack::Bug, MemoryLogic or Oink on Rails 3 app?
Wednesday December 4 2013
8:14PM 3 Array param does not work
7:10PM 0 Create a scope that groups unique id and recent date
6:10PM 3 Getting OptionParser::InvalidOption error while installing rails
10:07AM 0 quick workaround sunspot solr + too many open files error
1:03AM 1 rails and passenger memory issues
Tuesday December 3 2013
9:28PM 4 chaining relations break?
7:22PM 0 Rails 3.2.16 and 4.0.2 have been released
5:55PM 0 Is it possible to serialize the "query builder data" part of ActiveRecord::Relation and use it later
5:18PM 5 Question about collection_check_box
4:23PM 1 Link posts and comments on a new view/controller
2:26PM 0 How to send other params with rails3-jquery-autocomplete
12:58PM 0 Anybody interested in reviewing Packts first book on HAML ?
Monday December 2 2013
8:24PM 20 ruby script if statement
5:18PM 1 Rails won't install
2:28PM 0 Infinity Loop in background in html.erb - how?
6:16AM 4 Controller function - Length
Sunday December 1 2013
10:54PM 2 Ruby On Rails Getting Started question
2:02PM 1 Validation in Polymorphic association with validates_associated