On 20 Aug 2010, at 07:04, Srinidhi wrote:
> The application i am working requires me to upload and download a any
> type of file. I am using net:HTTP for upload part. The code looks
> somethijng like this. This works perfectly fine.
> uri = URI.parse($URL)
> http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
> resp,$payload= http.post(uri.path, $payload,
> puts "The HTTP response is #{resp.code}
> #{resp.message}"
> $resp_code=resp.code
> As notices above the application service is invoked using header file
> commands. Now i want to download a file via HTTP. The change required
> is just in headers. But i am unable to get it to work so far from
> above code.
> Can anybody help.
Apart from the fact that I don''t understand your question (how is the
"download" code anyway related to the "upload" code you
mention?), you
are using dollar signs to assign your variables, which in Ruby is a
global variable and except for very rare cases should NEVER be used.
You are mixing up PHP idioms and syntax with Ruby. It might work
perfectly fine but it is perfectly wrong in every way.
Best regards
Peter De Berdt
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