I think we could use the accept-language request header sent by the
browser, after it is sanitized, which could be overriden by a
Roeland Moors wrote:> I made a very simple translation example.
> The translations are just stored in a languages table with one
> column per language.
> Then I created this controller:
> ------------------
> class Language < ActiveRecord::Base
> end
> orig_lang = ''english''
> new_lang = ''dutch''
> class String
> def i18n
> need_trans = self.chomp.strip
> translated = Language.find_all(
"#{orig_lang}=''#{need_trans}''", nil, 1)
> result = translated.first[new_lang] if !translated.empty?
> result = need_trans if result == nil
> result
> end
> end
> -------------------
> The ''new_lang'' var should be placed somewhere else
> Now I can just translate a string by appending ''.i18n''.
> Example:
> <%= link_to ''Show''.i18n, :action =>
''show'', :id => todo.id %>
> Ofcourse it would be better if .i18n is placed inside the helper,
> but it''s just an example.
> I know this is a very simplistic example, but isn''t this a good
> Comments are appreciated,
> Roeland
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