On 05 Dec 2004, at 18:51, Nicholas Van Weerdenburg wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a feature to freeze variable assignment?
> e.g.
> a="hello"
> a.assignfreeze
> a="goodbye" # ===> generates exception
No. All variables in Ruby are references. You could do this via a
proxy object, but that probably wouldn''t work well in this case.
> Or, in a related vein, a type freeze, so that only similar objects can
> be added.
You could do this with a subclass of the container, but then you lose
the beauty of Duck Typing brought to you by Ruby''s dynamic typing.
> I realize that constants offer assignment freezing to a certain degree.
Any object can be frozen, which prevents modification to it, but not to
its contained objects:
$ ruby
a = [''foo'']
a[0] << '' bar''
a << ''baz''
-:4:in `<<'': can''t modify frozen array (TypeError)
from -:4
> The reason I ask, is that I stepped over-top of some framework
> variables today, and it was hard to find out what was going on.
The best answer is to be more careful, because nobody likes to shoot
themselves in the foot.
> Where as ruby protects keywords, it would be nice if frameworks or
> custom
> domain specific languages could do the same.
My (personal) best advice is to get cozy with unit testing. You can
flush out these kinds of problems more reliably than learning a domain
specific language and the framework you''re using. The DSL will still
give you ample opportunity for foot-shooting.
Plus you get automatic protection from foot-shooting as your test
library grows. You''ve already covered all the places you shot yourself
in the past, preventing their reoccurrence.