I submitted a tiny patch to ActiveRecord''s
AssociationCollection#add_record_to_target_with_callbacks to fix what
I believe to be a bug in the way that AssociationCollection#<< behaves
if the :uniq option is set on its reflection.
When AssociationCollection#<< is called, it invokes
#add_record_to_target_with_callbacks, which doesn''t pay any attention
to the reflection''s :uniq option before pushing to the @target array.
Since :uniq only causes filtering of the result set in find_target,
this means that we end up with unexpected results in our collection if
we access it after we push duplicate records in, until the collection
gets reloaded:
Given a class, Contact, that has_and_belongs_to_many :tickets
with :uniq => true, for instance:
>> c = Contact.find(1)
=> #<Contact id: 1, ...>>> c.tickets
=> [#<Ticket id: 1, ...>, #<Ticket id: 2, ...>,
...]>> c.tickets.size
=> 6>> c.tickets << Ticket.find(1)
=> [#<Ticket id: 1, ...>, #<Ticket id: 2, ...>,
...]>> c.tickets.size
=> 7>> c = Contact.find(1)
=> #<Contact id: 1, ...>>> c.tickets.size
=> 6
Anyway, the really simple fix is at
-- a few sets of eyes on it would be helpful.
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