I hope I''m not breaching etiquette too badly. It''s not my
intention to
offend or pressurize anyone. Also, I admit my personal motivation.
I had a look at the list of pending patches
(http://dev.rubyonrails.org/report/3) to get an idea what patches are
currently open and see what their state is. From some of my own patches
I know that they are basically ready for either inclusion or refusal.
Thus, I went through the list, looking for patches satisfying a few
criteria: I understand what they are about. There''s no controversial
discussion taking place. For proposed changes that are non-trivial, the
patch includes or adapts unit tests. The patch appears finished and is
just waiting for a yes or no decision.
So, without much further ado, here''s a list of the patches, that, by my
lights, can be closed one way or another.
#809 convert boolean form attributes
#1691 javascript_tag should wrap contents within a CDATA section
#1804 belongs_to relationship fails to save relationship key if records
saved in wrong order
#1835 Dump migration info
#1837 PostgreSQL: unescape_bytea misses rare case
#1848 Automatic adapter collection for ActiveRecord
#1850 Fix :default in migrations for PG 7.x
#1860 Precise time calculations
#1887 Make collection_singular_ids= gracefully handle nil argument
#1888 Use Element.Class.* instead of Element.*ClassName
#1891 FormHelper documentation is confusing
#1893 Prototype: Field.activate: Select only when possible
#1899 link_to_remote should have href to support non-javascript browsers
and spiders
#1920 ActiveSupport loading of controllers
#1924 ActiveRecord acts_as_tree dependent optional
#1932 acts_as_audited
#1945 Additional unittests for Routes
#1949 Set tablename pre- and suffix on connect
#1974 acts_as_versioned
#1975 page/fragment file caching for windows
#1983 associations with incorrect class_name have no error message to
call their own
#2023 Saving a record with two unsaved belongs_to associations pointing
to the same object fails [better tested duplicate of #1804]
Michael Schuerig Thinking is trying to make up
mailto:michael@schuerig.de for a gap in one''s education.
http://www.schuerig.de/michael/ --Gilbert Ryle